More Than 1000 Online Gamers Banned From MW3

Cheating is something that has been around in gaming for as long as I can remember sometimes coded into games for  users to exploit, but as the world of online gaming grows, it is something that becomes increasingly frustrating for us normal players who want to build up experience the normal way.

With Modern Warfare 3 breaking sales records on release, it was only fair the game had a way to inform the online community of cheats.

Infinity Ward’s Creative Strategist, Robert Bowling, came to Twitter to explain what was going on.

“Any attempt to cheat, hack, or glitch in #MW3 will not be tolerated. 1600+ bans issued. Updates in works.”

He then answered some questions from his followers about how to report gamers suspected of cheating.

“There’s a button in game after a match,” he said. “Click on them in the lobby and it gives option to View Gamercard + Report Player.

“Stats are always recorded, we can verify and detect cheating without video proof.”

Gamers who cheat their way to higher XP, or experience points, can often be vilified by the gaming community.

Genuine players can block them, so if you see someone cheeting you can make them aware you know in this instance, follow Robert Bowling’s advice and report them.

This is not the first time developers have been keen to take action against people cheating.

In August 2010 Rockstar Games issued a warning to people cheating in the multi-player, online version of its hit title Red Dead Redemption.

Managers gave the cheats one week to delete any experience points they hadn’t genuinely earned(a slight redemption) or they would be banned for life.

Speaking at the time Luke Pilgrim, 19 and from Dartford, said: “When I get XP I get a satisfaction from it because I’ve earned it.

“But if I was cheating I’d think that was unfair so hopefully people that do cheat, if they get banned from it, won’t cheat any more.”

Robert Bowling said in the case of Modern Warfare 3 different bans were available depending on how serious the cheating was.

“Every ban unique to the level of douchiness of the offense.

“The greater the douche the greater the length. PermaDouche possible.”

So let this be a warning to all you cheeters playing MW3, I we will be watching you, and I will block you!

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